What Business-Theatre is?

I think you may be puzzled about the meaning of “acting skills for businessmen”. Why do they need it? Will they be taught “how to put on masks and show off”? I’ll try to provide an answer that will make it clear.

Why do businessmen need it?

We give them practical assistance in performing one of the most complicated tasks in business: getting their way with people, getting what they want from people and, more exactly, eliciting desirable moods, thoughts and actions. We teach them how to manage other people in the widest sense of the word.
In the majority of cases the leaders and owners of companies are clever persons of strong character. They know exactly what they want and develop irreproachable plans. But in order to implement these plans with minimum expenditure of effort, or to reach the goal within the shortest period of time (which is often the critical issue), it is necessary to communicate with people in suitable ways in order to make them assist you and promote the implementation of your plans.
The key issues in managing people are understanding others, self-control, and skill in motivating others to act appropriately by means of your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
In order to manage other people three requirements should be met.
First of all, you should have a definite understanding of what you would like to gain from the other person or what you would like to accomplish together with the other person. (Usually this is not a problem for the majority of businessmen.)
Secondly, you should have complete personal information about the other person and his current condition. (Here intuition is required).
The third challenge is to influence the other person effectively by means of your individual abilities. (Here you will need skill in controlling both the technical apparatus of your voice and body, and the state of your soul.)

Are they taught there to “put on masks” and “pull people’s legs”?

We are not teaching play-acting or adoption of “masks”, but rather are teaching our students to become natural: our efforts enable them to open their own inner worlds. As a student, you will be taught to be yourself and reveal your various individual characteristics in different situations, not to conceal their essence behing different masks. We teach you to feel sensitive to other people, to control your inner world, to be the owner of your voice and body apparatus, and to manage other people by means of your personal abilities. The result of our teaching is that people wish to communicate with you; they would like to undertake joint activity with you; you simply “attract” them; they would like to follow you as they consider you an outstanding person.
The topic of “masks” and natural behaviour arises rather often during our talks with potential students. It is so important that we devote additional time to this issue.
Each phenomenon has two sides; one might say that there is always authenticity and falsification. It may be difficult to make this situation clear. For instance, in the jeweller’s practice, for any jewel its imitation or falsification may be found. In the case of a precious stone processed by an experienced jeweler, any dilettante will be able to distinguish the original from the falsification, as the true jewel, acquiring a perfect shape, will radiate sensuous beauty. Glazier crystals after processing by a jeweller become jewels – diamonds. The same parallel may be drawn between true acting skills used by a strong individual, and play-acting, used by a person to hide his characteristic features.
I will mention only two issues involved in play-acting.
Among us there are many people who are always playing some role: sometimes it is the very busy lady, sometimes the extremely cordial gentlemen, and so on. We become accustomed to our roles and behave accordingly; it is not our inner world and natural features that determine our behaviour. As a result, we miss favourable opportunities in life because of estimating everything around us from the point of view of a particular role, but not from our own point of view. Sometimes you play a role in order to impress your interlocutor or to attain some goal. In this case it is impossible to take part in communication to the fullest extent, as your attention is diverted by play-acting. As an inevitable consequence your inner world disintegrates. The absence of unity results in stress and efforts to control yourself, and the paradox is that this situation prevents your plans from being implemented. Natural thoughts and behaviour may serve as a source of your vitality when tension, which is necessary to play fixed roles and which consumes your energy, disappears.
We are not always aware that insincerity has a ruinous effect on our relationships. What is the main point for you in human communication? Is it words and, related to these words, feelings and intentions? This means that trust and sincerity are very important! First of all, relations of trust should be created, as all your words have no meaning for people unless they feel that you are sincere. And trust may be stimulated by natural behaviour during communication, natural movements of your body, as well as the natural sound of your voice. Being natural from all points of view, the person becomes a bright individual who attracts the attention of others. Natural behaviour gives power and energy. A natural person is an absolutely perfect one; such a person may be involved in any process and work effectively at an intuitive level. A mature person who makes use of intuition (an ability which we teach the person to use) will never be deceived by play-acting, as intuition easily penetrates the protective covering of “masks”; and his strong feelings affect the other person. Touch, sight, hearing, or logic may deceive you, but intuition will never do so.
True acting skills and a high-level individual always accompany each other. They virtually cannot exist without one another, since the individual’s high level entails understanding of the world and its laws, self understanding, and skill in interacting with other people.
High-level people possess a more complete picture of the real world. They think in terms of other categories, live according to “other laws”. They are free from conventionalities.
In the world there have always been leaders and followers; the elite and the rest. Each elite representative is elite in “his” particular circle: financial business, administrative authorities, fashion, medicine, education and so on. In other circles, not their own, they follow somebody else. And they are quite aware of the fact when they make their choice of services, goods and ideas from the leaders in different circles, who constitute the same elite in those fields as they are in their own. Meanwhile, most people simply follow the direction in which they are pointed, and choose according to the principle “the cheaper, the better”.

At the end of this introduction I’ll simply put forward a few ideas which may arouse your interest.

Contact with other people as well as contact with yourself determines all aspects of your life. It is important to know what you have gained as a result of your communication. Are you satisfied, are you happy or not?

The manner in which the person controls his emotion determines his feelings. The person’s feelings determine his behaviour. Our behaviour determines our relations with other people, influencing the success or failure of our actions.

In any situation a strong person proves to be the winner. The true force is that which gives you the power to control yourself and other people.

The meaning is hidden not in words, but inside people.

To know something and to have the skill to put your knowledge into practice are quite different things.

Our keywords:

Natural behaviour of the person = efficiency in communication = success in business.

CEO and owner

For top managers, who seek to become owner.


“He is a bad soldier who does not want to be a general.”
A.V. Suvorov.


Since the activities of our company is closely linked with business owners and top managers of companies, I had a great experience of communicating with them.

Owner at once can be determined by an understanding of life, a sense of deep inner calm, confidence (not to be confused with arrogance, ostentatious “greatness”), by a sense of satisfaction from the implementation of planned and self-realization.

The owner – a person who is in first place. He is the leader. He is the master. He is responsible for himself and all he created. He is “the head of the pride.” He risks. He wins. He is the last and highest court. Figuratively speaking, he has nobody to blame. He is the “Moscow” in the phrase “nowhere to retreat – behind Moscow.”

Top manager risk  the place of work and salary, while the owner is often risk  whole business. Accordingly, there is a difference in worldviews. One is ready for a meaningful, serious risk. He understands that this is one of parts of fulfilling life. Other not yet understood it and therefore not ready to put this risk in his live.

In a rented top manager is almost always felt his desire to seem more significant. He still feels that he is not the first person and it just intuitively felt by others.

To move from the category of top managers in the category of owners, need to take a risk, take the uncertainty of life, to take the world as it really is, and learn how to operate effectively putting into practice the plan. In this case, we should understand that the reason for setting goals, take actions as their own and so, especially, other people will be just you.

To be successful owner is required, firstly, to see clearly reality, and secondly, to define clearly the target, and thirdly, to be able to achieve this goal using all the tools of his personality. The first and second things are achieved through reflections on life, thinking about past mistakes, reading good books, communicate with successful and intelligent people.

On the third thing I will say a little more. One of the most important tools for any leader is his ability to manage other people in the broadest sense of the word. I It means being a person with whom others always want to communicate and deal with, the person to whom others are drawn, and the man for whom people are willing to go “on the edge of the Earth.” It means being someone who enjoys life and can give that feeling to others. And one of the best ways to find this tool – it’s specialized training for business, based on the Stanislavsky system, using the technique of acting.
Let for someone else this article will be the drop in the crowded vessel, which will help to make an important decision and start to act. Good luck!


Vyacheslav Frolov.

Intuition and business

What is important in business? What makes money and success?

Unusual solutions. New ways. Coordinated team. Ability to understand people. Read and understand the feelings and thoughts of people. Ability to build relationships.

Do all these areas, all-powerful logic?

The answer is well known – no. The logic is very important, but not all cases can be applied. But these cases are often crucial and decisive.

Laws of life are united and working in all areas. And like most discoveries in science is done by an intuitive findings, and in business most successful solutions – the fruit of intuition.

Successful businessmen know that many of the essential and original business decisions are made not only by the rational-analytic methods, but with the help of intuitive insights and tips. Managers primarily use intuition:
- When it comes to evaluating people;
- If the problem should be solved very quickly;
- If on the basis of incomplete information should be presented a complete picture;
- When it comes to finding of principal new solutions.

Intuition, intuition – it’s all good with words. Where does it come from? What is its mechanism? How does it work?
The mechanism of intuition used by living beings from earlier times, rather than appear logical thinking, and began working with the advent of the simplest living organisms. In microorganisms there is no special area of the brain, no organs of sense in the usual sense, but they somehow feel threatened or food, such as making decisions and moving. Question: on what basis? Answer: Based on information received from the outside, ie from the outside world and, in particular, surrounding living beings. The very way of transmitting and receiving information to us is not yet known. But it is enough that we know what it is.
We are the people who are made up of many such single-celled organisms. We are an association, corporation, state of living cells. And because they have become part of one great whole, they have not lost their ability to obtain information from the outside.
Our cells have received the information. What happens next?
The activity of the brain and transmission of information carried by the movement of neurons along the nerve channels of the brain. But the nerve channels exist not only in the brain. They are all over our body. And information received by the cells of our body is transferred to neurons in the nerve endings that are located throughout the body. Further, these small streams nerves merge to form larger “streams”, then “the river” (nerve centers), who finally fall into the “ocean” – the spinal cord. All information from the cell body “takes off” in the spinal cord, which completely controls our body. The brain performs only a supervisory role, but does not directly control the vital functions of the body.
We are approaching important. Then, the spinal cord sends these control signals to the head. From this stage of the process, we can speak of a conscious brain activity.
Signals are sent at all times. But as far as the brain, ie, our consciousness, is able to use this information – it is another matter. And this skill is the ability to receive intuitive information, or simply – intuition.
So, if seen from a physiological point of view, the intuition – the ability of our brain (our mind) to use the information that is sent from the spinal cord, which in turn was obtained from each cell of the body. At the same spinal cord sends these signals at all times.
We reached a very important topic: the development of intuition.
Development of intuition – the development of the ability to use information obtained always. And this ability develops! It can and should be developed! There are techniques guaranteed its success. And, in whatever area the person has started to develop his intuition, then it can be developed and used in any of the other sides of his life.
Incidentally, the widely held view that women have better intuition than men. This is not so. I’ll try to explain. With the targeted development (and this confirms our experience) intuitive abilities of men and women are equal. So that sex differences in this area do not. There are differences, dictated by social roles, preferences, and common education. And because of these differences, women are much more likely to use their intuition. It is a fact.
Let us illustrate. Take the situation: a business woman had a “bad” dream. And in the morning she had planned an important, decisive meeting. Most likely, she felt something was wrong, postpone the meeting under any pretext or simply do not come, and then find an explanation, although the formal logical connection between her sleep and foreboding and the upcoming meeting would not. Then she paused and for some time stands by to return to this matter and is likely to successfully complete it.
What is likely to make a businessman in a similar situation? He decides, “You never know what dreamed and took it into my head. I put so much strength, and do not intend to postpone the meeting because of some nonsense. Am I some sort of a sentimental young lady? I am a man and nothing will stop me”. He will go to a meeting and most likely it will end without result or failure.
There are in one case “typically feminine way of thinking” in another “typically male” from the perspective of society. Such models are laid by society since childhood, and encouraged in the future. Therefore, women are much more likely to use intuition in everyday affairs and in business. The men hesitate to do it – it’s not a man.
We stopped at ways to develop intuition. I know a good way of development which has been used for almost a hundred years old and works great in the field of human communication – it is acting training in the Stanislavsky.

What give the use of intuition in communion?
The ability to feel emotions of another person and understand what is going on in his soul, what he seeks, which is desired. The ability to understand what kind of person in front of you. Ability to understand in what condition he is now. Ability to establish an invisible, intuitive relationship with another person. (This is a skill I personally was very helpful when negotiating for a couple with my partner.)
One of the aspects of intuition: there is a purely physiological sympathy or antipathy to some people.
Let us summarize. Using the insight provided in the first place, the channel instantaneous receipt of the most valuable, reliable information about another person, group of people and situations associated with them, and secondly, if necessary, the ability to establish communication with people on an intuitive level.
There is a viewpoint  that trust intuition, one should not, because it gives the correct solution is not in all cases. There is subtlety and it is very important. There is information that is feelings and emotions caused by intuition, but there are induced by the fears and complexes. We must learn to distinguish between them! This, in particular, are taught at the acting skills and with experience this ability develops to a very high level.
In conclusion, I would say that the emotional and logical thinking naturally complement each other. Reason and intuition are in a state of cooperation, the fruitfulness of which depends on your ability to use both of them. Intuition tells us the right way, and the mind – how best to pass.  Unfortunately, it often happens that we recognize a profound effect of intuition, but do nothing for its development. Delaying its development for the indefinite future, when we would like is more free time, we are engaged in self-deception.
So, develop your intuition and use it boldly in the business! It will bring you success and good luck!

Interview for

InterviewFashion Collection: How did the idea to create a “Business-Theatre ” in Russia?

Vyacheslav Frolov:  My own problems pushed to the plan. It was hard to communicate with people and I was looking for different ways to overcome this barrier. My friend was unique talent: through two hours of communication with unknown before people they became his friends and were ready to work with us and sign contracts. And it should be noted that these people were “high level”.
FC: This ability is innate?
VF: The ability to effectively communicate with others acquired in the first five years of life, depending on the environment in which child grow. Later, these skills brings ever with the help of professionals.
To a certain point, I already had, apparently, all the experience necessary head, but I have not received an answer to the question of how to lead people. In his quest, I came across an article about a French clown, who taught businessmen methods of clown art. Then came the idea of creating courses that would help me most.

Analyzed the market, got the business plan and began looking for opportunities to implement this idea. Intuitively, I chose the Moscow Art Theatre School. Visited school during the year, all classes in the first and second years of study and analyzed the possibility of using techniques of Stanislavsky for developing business communication skills and leadership qualities. So almost a year later appeared the method by which now we teach the first course of “Business-Theater”.
FC: Perhaps you are having difficulty in teaching adults were held?
VF: With the experiences of life people grows stamps of behavior and communication. Methods of pedagogical influence and principles of our classes are different from those used by college theater for student learning. When someone comes to us to learn how to convincingly “hang noodles on the ears,” he goes away, having learned not only this, but most importantly – natural, which gives much more possibilities.

Speech at a meeting of rectors of schools MBA

Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to tell you about our company’s history, called “Business-Theater” and which was established with the support of Moscow Art Theatre School.
We have been training business people acting.
The idea was born to read.

I worked as commercial director of a Russian company. In the process, I already knew how to develop the company’s growth strategy, marketing strategy, adjust business processes, but … faced with the fact that I missed something else in order to implement our plans!
It’s one thing to know what to do and quite another to implement it with real people, so much so that they’ll believe to you, have gone for you and work with enthusiastically.   Let me explain a simple example. You made a strategy for development, but it is necessary that it took the company president, for whom “all the MBA is a stupid waste of time”. So you have to convince him by force of your personality.

All right. The strategy adopted by the president. But it will carry out staff. And that would do it successfully they have to work enthusiastically and productively. And for this they must understand it and, most importantly, trust you, respect you, love you. So, again, your personality is important.

And there are current work and permanent jobs involving all hands. After all, if for each all hands on deck pay a premium, no money is impossible to satiate. There are negotiations. Etc.

Question. How arise faith, respect and love of people?

I had been thinking about it. It turns out that such qualities as honesty, competence, and a sharp mind, etc. by themselves do not give the same respect that the head need. Need more charisma, which gives a good attitude of others to you personally. And oddly enough, the charisma is more important in many cases than anything else.

And then i had not this fascination!
One evening, I read the magazine “Art of management”, which tells about a clown who opened a school in England, where he taught the tricks of his profession to businessmen. I am very interested. And I felt that in a similar way it is possible to find personal charm, or, as now like to call, charisma. I wanted to find something like that here. I went to different studios acting. And I realized that I will not teach nothing standing there. A need has remained!

Began to pay attention that many people in leadership positions have a problem similar to mine. And at the same time, the highest position achieved usually people who, these difficulties just do not suffer.

It became clear that there is an urgent need and there is no proposal. Nowhere else does not really teach communication skills and managing people through his personality. Everyone study its own in the process of life, and only a few had mastered this science to perfection. And these are the people who have talent. But if parents are not awarded you a talent and you are head of company?

I just had this situation!

Thus been appeared the idea to create “Business Theater”, where businessmen, including myself, could learn the vital skills of communication.

After retiring from my job in January 2001, I started this business: To evaluate the potential of the market, has made a strategy for development, amounted a business plan. It is very useful knowledge that I gave teachers from Graduate School of Management School of Economics.

Long time i thought with anyone from the theatric professionals we could implement this idea. Intuitively chose the Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre, where artistic director is Oleg Tabakov. Intuitive choice was correct. As I later learned, Moscow Art Theater School is the theatrical school N1 in the world.

In September 2001, together with the teachers of Moscow Art Theatre School began to creation the teaching methods.

I must say that when I first met with the teachers and explained to them the task of qualitatively train the businessmen for no more than 2 months during the regime of study in three times a week, evenings after work, the first thing I heard from them – “it is unrealistic “!

However, nine months of hard work together has led to what we  were able to create such a method by which we could teach businessmen at 2 months in the correct mode instead of daily activities for the year. And it is not a specially selected, talented young men and women, but the adults, for whose acting skills alone are not interested. And, above all, important to them the benefit from it in their business. Made the site. Released a brochure. Conducted several presentations. Started to work with potential customers. And in May 2002, scored the first group. Must say that, as often happens, “the first pancake is always lumpy was.” I made a serious error, incorrectly interpreted the principle of “customer is always right” will allow students to arbitrarily change the method of teaching. This led to what we do not have trained people properly. I remember this lesson very well and more disgruntled alumni we have not. Since then we have trained a lot of people. And, I must say that they are all owners and top managers of large and medium-sized companies and banks. As our graduates have occupied the highest positions in their companies, it is difficult to find many examples of their “happy promotions.” Although, I know a story when a person, being a top manager of Russia’s largest company, has decided to undergo training with us. And it helped him to become one of the owners of this company.

At first, all groups were corporate. And we have encountered an unexpected problem: Customers do not want to publicize their education and even asked confidentiality as a requirement. This is seriously complicated the development of “Business-Theater”. I was at a loss and did not understand why it is happening? Then I realized: the man armed and do not want to alert the others. It was necessary to solve this problem, and we had to make major efforts to form type-setting groups, the students who would have to agree for giving advice and feedback. It was a difficult task, but our calculation were correct, and the mechanism of ‘word of mouth’ has earned. By the way, we are currently preparing a new site and collect feedback from our graduates, among those who trained in composing groups. And I noticed one detail: the more time passes after learning, the better the man uses what he has received from us.

Also, we have been paying attention on writing in journals and made a couple of interviews on television. Our activities and our pr-campaign created interest from the business community to learning acting skills for businessmen, and we had a fairly large number of followers and competitors. And it pleased us, because they fueled the interest in our field of activity.

Now we are leaders in the Russian market in this area and are in the process of development. The immediate objective: to further develop in our country and access to foreign markets.

From the beginning, our goal – to become the world’s leader of learning businessmen for acting skills.

Our competitive advantage over potential foreign counterparts based on the strengths that historically have Russia: the world’s best acting school, the Stanislavsky system and the highest level of actor-teachers. In this case we do not use raw materials, but cultural and intellectual potential and their own know-how.

We have a desire to become one of cards of Russia, such as the Grand Theatre, the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, the Hermitage, Gazprom, TNK, etc.

In conclusion, I would say that what we are doing is not just a business for the money, it is first and foremost very necessary and important education. Necessary for businessmen, as in our country so and abroad. Necessary for the development of the acting profession. Important for the development of civilization in general.

After all, look at the situation today in the light of globalization and complication communication and management tasks with communication skills like the situation with general education (ie, conventional literacy) times of the Middle Ages. Then people, who can read and write, could not worry about a piece of bread and held high positions in society. A similar situation now with the art of communication and people management. And the effect of the beginning of educational development in this area can be compared with the effect of the appearance of the first parochial school in the Middle Ages.

Secret weapon – handle with care!

1. What is taught in “Business-Theater”?

We teach the businessmen the art of management of people at the most important, the personal level – at the level of emotions, feelings and subconscious. «Business-Theatre» develops skills that enable to successfully solve the most difficult task in the business – to seek from people desired, and more specifically, the desired mood, thoughts and actions. Possession of these skills is one of the secrets of the world elite and, through the transfer of which it remains so for many generations. Possession of these skills is an integral part of personal power in the team.

2. How did the idea of creating a “Business-Theater”?

The whole idea was born out of my own urgent need as a top manager of one of the leading Russian companies. It’s one thing to define the development strategy of the company, to establish business processes, etc. and It’s quite another to manage human beings in a large company, manage the whole team and each employee. And here I was faced with serious difficulties. Here is the standard example for most Russian companies: suddenly there is an unscheduled task that should be immediately done. I.e. employees had to postpone its main activity to do in an emergency basis other things that are, more often, are not even their immediate functional responsibilities. How to resolve this situation? Administrative resources, i.e. whip – Staff will work in a slipshod manner, and it will not be done as it should. Building on its reputation as a leader and, above all as a person? Yes. And it, in turn, is based on respect, affection and loyalty of subordinates. Have you noticed that we are talking about feelings: feelings of respect, affection and loyalty? These feelings need to somehow activate the people. Here’s the task! And their appearance depends on many things and, above all, the personality of the manager. In today’s terms, it is charisma. And such situations in the work of top manager are quite a lot each day: – To convince the president in the accuracy and timeliness of certain decisions; – To highlight the problem on the board of directors; – To convince opponents of the negotiations; – To speak at the launch of a new product; – Raise the “morale” of employees working away from the central office; – To talk heart to heart with subordinate who can’t cope with work, etc. In all these cases, for you face the task to manage emotions and feelings of others, and, consequently, their thoughts and actions. In all programs of MBA for personnel management there are qualities that must have a modern, successful leader. And everywhere there is a mysterious phrase that the leader must be charismatic. Where can I take this charisma? In the textbooks they write that or it exists or not. And nowhere you don’t get it, if God not yet awarded you. This situation did not suit me. Somehow reading a business magazine I found an article that exists the school for businessmen, where they become the charismatic personalities, and it all happens with the elements of clown’s art. I became interested in the presence with us in Moscow such a school, and found nothing similar. So was appeared the idea of creating a “Business-Theater”.

3. On what principles based your technique?

I’ll start with the basics. Let’s look at the issue. Only 7% of the information people receive from communion by the words, the rest will fall on facial expressions, gestures, posture, gait, tone and intonation of voice, and so on. Secrets of the management of people, what we train, just are responsible for 93%. What is reason of this situation? It is very simple – it is our inheritance from nature. We got out of nature, and we have in common with her much more than differences. The presence of logical thinking allows us to develop faster and to have a developed social structure. What else is thinking except logical? Imaginative! This way of thinking operates not with logical symbols (words and numbers), but with images, emotions and feelings. Each of us deals with computers and knows very well that the operations with images require more memory than that with figures. The same situation is with a human brain.

Logical thinking Imaginative thinking Information Imaginative thinking works always. It is the first to process the information, which enters the brain. Logical thinking controls the work of imaginative thinking but not in all cases. It bring us to the well-known truth that people are managed by emotions and feelings, and those who can manage its, is a master of the situation. And who knows this field better than actors? They give performance almost every day. And in spite on the fact that we know in advance that any performance or film is only illusion, we worry about the situation and have real and strong feelings. Strictly speaking, there are two groups of people who have good command of the art of managing emotions and feelings of people: the elite and the actors. But the first one will not ever share these secrets with us! Feelings and emotions – an energy that makes people move and manages them. How can harness this energy? Each of us has the tools – we are. Need to learn to use the tool! The question is – how to learn? People perceive the information by means of their organs of sense. Hearing and vision are two main means, which allow us to communicate. Our voice may effect upon other people ears. Our appearance (cloths, accessories, hair style) and, mainly, our body (bearing, gait, poses, gestures, mimicry, glance) effect upon other people eyes. It proves to be that we have two principle tools of communication – our body and our voice. According to this fact we have two basic courses in the “Business-Theatre” Training Program. They are the following: – “Course of Body and Movement”; – “Course of Voice and Speech”. After you get and mastered the tools it is necessary to gain knowledge to make use of them for effective communication taking into account the laws of human psychology. The latter is the task of the main course of “Business-Theatre” – “Course of Actor Skill”. When you graduated from three mentioned courses you gained the skill of effective communication. We should not forget that we live in a social community, which is characterized by definite “rules of games” originated from human physiology and psychology. These rules are especially critical in so called “high society”. If you have relations with its representatives or enter into business elite, then you need effective communication skill, which is rely upon these rules. This task may be achieved with the help of “Course of Etiquette”. To illustrate, one can draw an analogy with popular now skiing. Had learned skiing – is to pass three core courses, and learn how to run a slalom track with the light of the specific gates – it’s etiquette.

4. What is the difference from other methods?

Other techniques are offered by business schools and training companies. And the difference is that they provide only a logical point, the structure and the skeleton of the question, what students pass at specific workshops. In “Business Theater” students develop their personality and personal abilities that enable them to implement in daily life all this knowledge. For example, in the Harvard’s method of negotiation is such advice: determine the conditions of a partner tie with him emotional connection, go to the trust, etc. But this is just what that no one teaches seriously on the trainings! “Business-Theater” gives to the students these abilities and also other skills of managing yourself and other people, which are necessary in any business and life situations, including the negotiations. That the situation has become quite clear, it is possible to carry out the following analogy. Mother sends her son for the milk. She gives him a task and tells him how to carry it out. Come out of the apartment, down the stairs, turn left, then right, cross the street at the green light, go into the store and buy milk at a certain price and return back to the same way. The child receives all the necessary logical chain in order to successfully accomplish the task. But before it you must teach a child to walk! And this most important step in training is omitted. In the field of communication skills is situation that units walk, the others jump on one leg, hobble, crawl on belly, etc. Must say that what give training companies and business schools, and what gives “Business-Theater” – the two sides of one coin and the other side has not received adequate attention.

5. “Business-Theater” is targeted for whom?
First of all are businessmen, CEOs, senior civil servants, senior managers and middle managers in large companies. In addition, we have courses for sales managers that can benefit companies in terms of improving skills in working with major corporate clients.

6. Can you train a person, if one has not an acting talent?

Good question. My answer is simple: we can. We have all heard of the Stanislavsky system, but not everyone knows what it is and what gives. So just using it is the guarantee of the success of learning. By the way, that our programs are based on Stanislavsky’s system is a great advantage in comparison with European and American programs.

7. And is than “Business-Theater” can be useful for an MBA graduates?

It’s useful for the same things that for other businessmen and top managers. An additional benefit for MBAs is in the fact that obtained in the “Business-Theater” skills of managing people are in harmony with the knowledge given by the business schools, and it do increase the efficiency of their application. It is my understanding that you have got the impression that something about which we speak, stands alone apart from the business education system habitual for us. Consider the widespread in business schools model of education a person, a businessman: Area of activity. Business (MBA). Sports. Philosophy. Psychology. Effective communication skills.

It is represented as a sphere. At the very core of human models are answers to the questions – What is important to me? Who do I want to be? Where do I want to work? Etc. This is the philosophical core. Next is an area in which a person responds to questions – How do internally constructed I and others? What are the laws of interaction between people? This is the area of psychology. Then comes the separation of knowledge that are needed for different types of activities: sports, culture, science and business … In the field of business education there is a set of basic disciplines: marketing, investment analysis, etc. This is the area of MBA. But there is another area which is located between the area of psychology and area of applied knowledge and skills! This is the place in the education system, in which is located the training for the effective communication skills. It’s one thing to know the laws of interaction between people, and quite another to have the skills and abilities in real life to manage them! The situation now with the skills to communicate effectively resembles the situation with general education (ie, conventional literacy) at the time of parochial schools. Then people that can read and write, could not worry about a piece of bread. A similar situation now with the art of managing people.

Anna Lipyavko. Director of the fashion house "Aniya".

To be a leader even yet a small and And it’s great if the next teacher prosfriendly team – no easy task. Properly communicate with people, whether staff or clients to control the situation, to be interesting and persuasive, clearly convey the information, properly express emotions – that we are learning all the time. And it’s great if the next teacher pros. (And it’s great if near by your professional teachers.) And when they are themselves quite notordinary people: actors and theater teachers of universities – just super! This I found in “Business-Theater”. I’ve always been horrified of public speaking or the need to communicate with unfamiliar people. At the first session I was in awe in the soul. I liked the group: there were no young loafers or bored housewives. Impressed that they were all already taken place individuals, and everyone knew what the goal is in front of him, for what it is. Here is the form of training, we had almost no representation. They knew only that the major disciplines – acting, stage speech, plastic motion, etc. At first we were playing role-playing exercises, such as children and teachers sometimes had to pull up. Imagine how cool it was after a hard day to fool around in a nice campaign, disconnected from everything. But it did not last long: the game has passed unnoticed in the most serious labor process. We opened up a whole new style of relations with the outside world. We learned to focus, to analyze the situation with lightning speed and change it, nice move, feel and hear the interlocutors at the level of intuition and energy. All very tired, but received great satisfaction and emotional lift. The whole process was amazingly interesting. Abilities that develop in the actors, were absolutely necessary in real life and work. Each of us has opened a huge creative potential. We have become more versatile and open as an individual, and most importantly got a huge impetus to further development. Almost a year and I, unfortunately, not met with anyone from our group: each spinning in its own orbit, but is sure – many, like me back with nostalgia in his mind at this point in his life.