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Shentalinsky Sergey (teacher of the Course in “Acting Skills”).He graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, the class of People’s Artist of USSR, Professor – O. Tabakov. He graduated from an assistant at the department acting skills at the Moscow Art Theater School, the class of the professor А. Leontiev. In the theater: the role of Schastlivtseva – the play “The Forest”, the role of Porfiry Petrovich – the play’s “Crime and Punishment”, the role of “leading figure” in play “Hecuba”. And others. In the movie: “Prisoner of the Chateau d’If” – Baron de Pina, “Do again!” – The main role of a soldier Stepanov, TV series “Family Smirnov” – the main role of the musician. And others. Directed by performances of “Green Zone” by M. Zuev (Chekhov Moscow Art Theatre), “A Streetcar Named” Desire “by T. Williams, ” Crazy Jourdain ” by Mikhail Bulgakov, ” Look Back in Anger ” by J. Osborne (School of Art Theatre). And others. Teacher of master classes of acting skills at Columbia University in New York City, the University of Illinois, Chicago. Professor of department of acting skills of the Moscow Art Theater School. Deputy Head of Department. |
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Kulkov Alexander (teacher of the Course in “Body and Movement”).He graduated from the assistant at the Department of plastic expressiveness of actor at the Shchukin’s Higher Theater School, scientific director Professor A. Droznin. He worked as an actor and choreographer of fights and dance scenes in the plays: “Two versions of the masterpiece” The Stone Guest ” – Don Juan and Leporello, ” De Pritore Vincenzo” – Vincenzo, “Romeo and Juliet” – Romeo. And others. As an actor, as well as a fencer has participated in the filming of the movies: “Queen Margot,” “The Countess de Monsoreau,” ” Siberian barber” and others. Teacher of master classes in stage movement at Columbia University in New York, Illinois University at Chicago, Soonsil University in Seoul. Senior Lecturer, Department of stage movement Shchepkin’s Higher Theater School and the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts (GITIS). |
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Brusnikina Marina (teacher of the Course in “Voice and Speech»).She graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, the course of the People’s Artist of the USSR Professor – Oleg Efremov. She graduated from the assistant at the Department of scenic speech at the Moscow Art Theater School, the rate of Professor A. Petrov. The leading actress and stage director of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater(MKhAT). Roles in the theater: Mary – “The Seagull”, Sofia – “Platonov”, Barbara – “Thunderstorm,” Natalya Dmitryevna – “Woe from Wit” and others. Roles in movies: the TV series “Chekhov & Co.,” serial “Cool”, “Perlimplin” etc. Written and directed by series “MHAT’s evenings. Circle of reading.” Teaching with the newscasters on TV. Teacher of master classes in scenic speech at the leading theater schools in Europe. Professor, Department of scenic speech and plastic culture Moscow Art Theater School. Deputy Head of Department. Senior lecturer, faculty of Scene Speech and Plastic Culture, the School-studio of MKhAT named after A. Chekhov. Faculty Vice-head. |
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Gil Alena (teacher of the Course “Etiquette”).Graduated from Moscow State Institute of Culture, Department of directing and acting She graduated from the assistant chair of plastic expressiveness of actor at Shchukin’s Higher Theater School , scientific director, Prof. A .Droznin. As a director and teacher of plasty has been involved in the production of performances: “The Cherry Orchard” / A. Chekhov / Theatre-Studio “at Scherbakovskaya”, “The Golden Cockerel” / A. Pushkin / Studio Theatre “The Scherbakovskaya”, “And Lyudmila and Ruslan and terrible Chernomor …” / A. Pushkin / Krasnoyarsk Theatre for Young People, “Crazy necessarily” / L. Pirandello / Stanislavsky Theater, “Die Fledermaus” / Strauss / Operetta Theater Kemerovo, and others. Leading specialist in the field of etiquette in Russia. Develops programs and teaches at the New Humanitarian University and Moscow State University of Culture. Teacher of etiquette for the staff of the Presidential Administration and Government of the Russian Federation. Teacher of etiquette Moscow Art Theater School. |