To be a leader even yet a small and And it’s great if the next teacher prosfriendly team – no easy task. Properly communicate with people, whether staff or clients to control the situation, to be interesting and persuasive, clearly convey the information, properly express emotions – that we are learning all the time. And it’s great if the next teacher pros. (And it’s great if near by your professional teachers.) And when they are themselves quite notordinary people: actors and theater teachers of universities – just super! This I found in “Business-Theater”. I’ve always been horrified of public speaking or the need to communicate with unfamiliar people. At the first session I was in awe in the soul. I liked the group: there were no young loafers or bored housewives. Impressed that they were all already taken place individuals, and everyone knew what the goal is in front of him, for what it is. Here is the form of training, we had almost no representation. They knew only that the major disciplines – acting, stage speech, plastic motion, etc. At first we were playing role-playing exercises, such as children and teachers sometimes had to pull up. Imagine how cool it was after a hard day to fool around in a nice campaign, disconnected from everything. But it did not last long: the game has passed unnoticed in the most serious labor process. We opened up a whole new style of relations with the outside world. We learned to focus, to analyze the situation with lightning speed and change it, nice move, feel and hear the interlocutors at the level of intuition and energy. All very tired, but received great satisfaction and emotional lift. The whole process was amazingly interesting. Abilities that develop in the actors, were absolutely necessary in real life and work. Each of us has opened a huge creative potential. We have become more versatile and open as an individual, and most importantly got a huge impetus to further development. Almost a year and I, unfortunately, not met with anyone from our group: each spinning in its own orbit, but is sure – many, like me back with nostalgia in his mind at this point in his life.